Tuesday, July 22, 2008

tootsie pops! bubble gum!

Hello lovers,
Yea yea yea, all that sickly sweet shit.
Today wasn’t the best day.
The little girl I nanny for is usually the nicest kid u could ever find! She’s so good and I never have to reprimand her or scold her.... well... not today. She wouldn’t listen to me AT ALL today!! And to top it all off when I tried to put her shoes on she called me a fat ass!!! She’s 3!!!! I was floored! I tried to calmly explain why that wasn’t a nice thing to say and that we don’t comment on peoples bodies unless we have nice things to say... but I’m sure it didn’t come off to nice because I was so shocked and upset that my adorable cute little sweetie pie would say such a thing to me!!
Once I was done my long hard day I came home and literally slept until 7!! Seven!!! SEVEN!!! Then I got up and went to dinner with my mom and my sister... and now... here I am, sitting here writing this blog post that really has no point
The man hunt continued today... pretty fruitless I think... meh... this is a lame post... I’m just gonna hit post

When there's nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire!

Sunday, July 20, 2008


Hello Lovers,

I absolutely adore it when, after a long hard hot day the sky just opens up and rains down on you.
It’s so refreshing to get away from the sticky sweaty heat and feel the dampness in the air. Its like the earth is letting out a sigh, relaxing and taking off its belt from the beautiful, party of a day it was.
I’m kind of sun burnt after spending a few hours in the sun today at my sisters’ baseball game. They lost and I was left with the oddest blotches of sunburn up my arm where the spray-on sunscreen didn’t hit. Aside from that my face feels like it could peel right back and id be left with nothing.
Off to bed with my sun burnt behind!
Night, night lovers

When there’s nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire

let me introduce myself!

Hello lovers,
I guess we should start this out with an introduction. My name is Lora Danielle Nunn.

I’m 17 years young.

I’m... well... nuts frankly my life is a mad house!

I am currently a nanny to the cutest little girl I’ve ever met! She’s 3.

My family is my life; I spend most of my time with them.

I’m on a man hunt... wow how desperate was that?! But to be honest I’m getting slightly desperate... it’s been 2 years since the last time I was in love and in a good real relationship.

Well... since my sister is probably going to be the only person to read this blow I’m going to end this here!! yeehaaa!!

When there’s nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire


Oh.... peee dot ess
I have made the choice that at the end of every blog post I’m going to post a picture from the current day... well see how it goes so don’t nag me if I don’t do it!!!